Welcome to Mrs. B's Class Blog!

Welcome to our blog. This will be your source during the school year for information about what we've been up to at school and other things you need to know.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Upcoming Events

Book Fair News and Clarifications

I need to make a clarification about the book fair coin collection. We will not be having a competition by house as to who can collect the most coins to be used to get books for needy children (as was originally stated in the note that went home last Monday). If you would like to donate coins to the cause, we will have one collection jar at ABS in the library and there will be a jar at the book fair. Sorry about the confusion!

Our class will be going to the book fair at WCS on Tuesday, November 11 from 8:30-9:00. If you would like your child to purchase books at the book fair, please send in money in an envelope labeled with his/her name and the words "book fair." That way I'll know that the money is intended for that purpose. Also, please encourage your child to look for books rather than the other items sold at this event. You are welcome to join us Tuesday morning and/or to return to the book fair with your child at another time and just let him/her look on Tuesday.

In addition to the book fair, I will be sending home a book order this week. Ordering from the book order gives you a bit more control over your child's choices. If you see books in the book order that you would like to order for holiday gifts I can arrange it so your child does not know what you purchased. Please return completed book orders to me by Monday, November 17. Thanks!

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