Welcome to Mrs. B's Class Blog!

Welcome to our blog. This will be your source during the school year for information about what we've been up to at school and other things you need to know.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Upcoming Events

During the month of December, we will be celebrating the season with a Winter Party on December 23rd. The wiki worked so well for signing up for the harvest party that I thought we'd try it again. Click on the link below to sign up for a contribution. You will need to start an account in order to edit the wiki if you don't already have one from last time. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you!

Students and adults at Allen Brook School are currently participating in a Food Drive for the Williston Food Shelf. If you can send in a non-perishable food item this week we would appreciate it. In Vista we're keeping track of our donations by making a wreath out of paper hands. The wreath has been growing but still needs some more hands to be complete. Thank you!

Later this week, children will be participating in workshops that will help them to learn about how different countries and cultures celebrate winter holidays. We'll also be working on a special project with our buddies in Ms. Deforge's class before the break.

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