We have a new way to recognize super classroom behavior. Cool Cat awards are awarded throughout the week. They are given for a variety of reasons including: going out of your way to help a classmate, accomplishing a task that is hard for you, doing something to benefit your classmates, and displaying honorable qualities such as being flexible and thoughtful. See the comments the kids posted to learn more!
Cool cat awards is a award that you get for doing something thougtful for someone else.
Cool cat awards are if you do somthing fantastic for somone and for thinking about somone other than yourself.
Cool cats are awesome!
Cool cat awards are about dowing somthing cool.
They are fun to get.
You can get coolcat awards if you do good things like pick up as many things as you can that are on the floor or outside is one of the things. Another thing is that you can help kids and people do their work.
Cool cat awards - if you get one its becus you did a good thing.
You can get them if you go out of your way to help someone.
They are very very very fun to have !
Cool cat awards are so cool.
Cool Cat Awards are for things that pepl have done that are good.
I like them.
You have to make good choices.
To get a Cool Cat award you have to do something cool or help someone.
Cool cat awards are wen you do something wen you do not need to do it.
I wish we had Cool Cat Awards in my class.
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