Welcome to Mrs. B's Class Blog!

Welcome to our blog. This will be your source during the school year for information about what we've been up to at school and other things you need to know.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Upcoming Events - Vista Musical

Vista's musical is in the works. The kids have been excitedly practicing their lines and songs. I wanted to share some details with you.
1. All Vista students participate in the musical. This year's musical entitled How Does Your Garden Grow will be performed on May 28th. We will have a performance during the school day at around 1:00 and another performance in the evening at 6:30.
2. The performances will be held in the Allen Brook gym. Students are asked to come to their classrooms at 6:15 on the night of the performance.
3. We try to keep our costumes fun and relatively simple. Some of the costume elements will be purchased by the team, some borrowed, and some created. For our class, the children playing bunnies will be wearing white, those playing frogs will be wearing green, those playing butterflies will wear a color that will coordinate with their wings, and those playing flowers will wear green. T-shirts (turned inside out) work great. If your child does not have the color he/she needs and can't borrow something, let me know and we can make a workable plan.
4. Last week, lyrics for the songs were sent home in Monday folders. Today, I sent home a copy of each child's lines. Our class will be performing Scene 2 and will also participate in singing throughout the production. Please feel free to help your child practice lines (although most kids are pretty set) and song lyrics at home.

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